1. Lockout tagout can be used to make a holistic contrlo of the equipment to protcet workers from accident and equipmentfrom damage.
2. Use with padlock to remind that the debice has been locker and can not be can only be opened by the onewho lock it. lt enables penople to know who lock it and so that they keow ti is danger to operate the debice.
3. On the tag, you can see "Danger/Do not operate/caution" etc security warning language and also "Name/department/Dateetc blank for vou to fill in.
4. Offer language customization.
1. Materia: PVC, no-essy tear paper, stainless steel sheet and do on.
2. Thickness:0.3-2.5mm;size: any siza.
3. Printing requirements: whether plastic coated or not, individual set type, UV rays resistance printing, individual personal photo input and so on.
#1 What is LOTO? (Lock out / Tag out = LOTO)
When the equipment or tool is being repaired, maintained or cleaned, the power source related to the equipment neeocut off, so that the equipment cannot be started, and all energy sources (power supply, hydraulic source, air source, etc,are turned off.
· Lock out: Lockout is using the safety and other equipment to lock the machine to isolate from unauthorized operationsand ensuring each worker's safety until the work is finished. · Tag out: Tagout is usingfor warning the people that the energy source or equipment is locked that can not operateoptionally.
· Disconnecting means: One piece or one group equipment can disconnect the energy source or the power supply circuit.
· LOTO: In order to ensure that the equipment energy is turned off , the equipment is kept in a safe state. Prevent accidental injury to the staff or related person inside or next to the equipment caused by the equipment being accidentally operated.
#2 Why should use LOTO?
LOTO is in order to prevent the workers from the danger that caused by the machine start accidentally, the equipmentaunch abnormal. the eneroy source release when the worker want to repair or maintain it, So that it can keep the workersoersonal security. The Key of LOTO is cut off the connection between machine and power source, Jock on the source.release residual power.
#3 When & Where should use LOTO?
· Daily maintenance, adjustment, cleaning, inspection and commissioning for equipment. Enter into the limited space, hotwork, dismantling work and so on in the tower, tank, electrified body, ketle, heat exchanger, pumps and other facilities.
· Operation involving high voltage. ( including the operation under the high-tension cable )
· Operation require closing the safety system temporary.
· Operation during maintenance and commissioning of non-processing.